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Quest Night 2016 in Lviv

Quest Night is the first Russian large-scale event dedicated to quests, performances and action games. Under the auspices of the action, the best quests of Moscow are collected.

In Moscow on the night of April 23-24, 2016, the action "Night of Quests" was held. That night, everyone could visit more than 100 quest rooms from the best quest companies in Moscow with a 50% discount.

Companies Cityquest, Serious games, EXIT, World of Quest,Kinokvest, Immersion, LOST, Trap, Kubirint, Truexit, Rabbit hole, Boo House, Inferno, Attic – Crazy Quests, EXIT, Armaquest, iLocked, < a href="">Adrenalin 24, Friday the 13th, Room Quest, Armagames and The Crowded Room.

“Quest Night” was held with the support of the Moscow FM radio station, the network publication and the transport partner Uber , which provided a 50% discount on the first two trips for new users that night.

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B night from 23 to 24 April