Quests for Schoolchildren in Lviv
Increasingly, during the school holidays, there are bursts of activity in quests: teachers bring their wards and play quests with them with pleasure.
The variety of quests for schoolchildren is amazing: here you can plunge into the historical plot, and play a quest based on your favorite book. Parents are happy to come to play with their children too, because sometimes elementary school students really need the help of adults in solving riddles, but they can handle most with pleasure on their own.
Квесты для школьников во Львове
Hostages of the game
QuestSecret Archive
QuestDa Vinci's Workshop
QuestEscape from the Lost Pyramid
VR-questBeyond Medusa`s gate
VR-questSignal Lost
VR-questThe Prison
VR-questMystical gallery
QuestOld Lion's Hideout
VR-questMolfar`s hut
QuestHide and Seek
Action GameStalker
QuestSave Notre-Dame on Fire
VR-questНетипичное преступление Closed
QuestПираты против империи Closed
QuestПсихиатрическая 16 Closed
QuestДуэль: Дети Closed
QuestEnvironmental pollution Closed
City QuestTaste of street food Closed
City QuestEmotional intellect Closed
City QuestWeather phenomena Closed
City QuestГрань Closed
VR-questMystery Hotel Closed
QuestШанхайское расследование Closed
Quest12 symbols of winter. Nikolai 's assistants Closed
City QuestRiddles of Lviv paving stones Closed
City QuestAdventures of Stone Lions Closed
City QuestThe phenomenon of the city Closed
City QuestМстители: перчатка Таноса Closed